Corpus CallosumI 胼胝體
This project was created in response to Considerate Creations: Chameleons(Part II) exhibition concept
“Corpus Callosum” is a site-specific interactive installation that reveals the challenges of the dual roles as an artist and arts administrator from the lens of Physiology. The installation includes a pair of cocoa plants, LED grow lights, and sensors, plus two single-channel videos. I utilize the walls in between the admin office and gallery space is to represent the function of the Corpus Callosum which locates the center part of the brain and controls the communication and transmits neural messages between the two hemispheres. Having the dual roles as an artist and arts administrator demand different sides of the brain that are distinctly specialized between verbal thinking vs. visual thinking, logic vs. creativity, and analysis vs. imagination. The installation also reveals how the brain and body is cross-wired, therefore one side of the sensor will trigger the other side of LED light and make the communication neural system grow in order to consistently switching in between roles.
「胼胝體的運動」 是一個包含空間裝置和錄像的作品。內容是由人體生理學的角度,呈現身兼藝術 家和藝術行政者,轉換於兩個角色的狀態中所面臨的挑戰。在兩個不同的角色狀態下,需要運用 的腦部功能分別由左、右腦主司,因此時常在視覺性思考與語言性思考、創造性與邏輯性,以及想像力與剖析力等功能間轉換。此作品利用-胼胝體,腦中主控大腦兩邊通信、以及交流的部位做 為創作的主題。並且運用在藝廊的空間中,分隔行政工作、和藝術品的區域做呈現,將展覽空間 的特性,與作品的概念做對延伸性的聯結。作品中利用形似人腦的椰子樹苗,坐穿越牆面的呈現 ,來比喻腦部神經元的傳遞。兩個測動感應器,各控制相對牆面LED植物生長燈等裝置,反應左右腦部是如何控制另一側的生理機制。於牆面兩側的兩個單頻錄像內容,是由同樣的發音學習字卡組成的英文單字,呈現在藝術家和行政工作者的角色裡,語言以及文字被視為單純溝通工具, 抑或可運用成創作素材。觀者可藉由與裝置的互動,感受身兼藝術家和藝術行政者腦中的複雜運動以及挑戰。
- (1) Site-specific Interactive Installation
- Medium: mixed media (Coconut plants, LED grow lights, motion sensors)
- Dimension: size variable
- Year: 2017
- (2) Video
- Corpus Callosum (Game Night)
- Medium: single channel video
- Duration: 01:43 minutes
- Year:2017
- Corpus Callosum (Phonetic Words)
- Medium: single-channel video
- Duration: 02:12 minutes
- Year:2017
- 作品名稱: 胼胝體的運動
- 尺寸:4 x 2.3 x 0.8 公尺
- 材質:椰子苗、LED植物生長燈、測動感應器、兩個單頻錄像
- 年份:2017
- 作品名稱: 胼胝體的運動(錄像)
- 媒材:單頻錄像
- 長度:3 分鐘
- 年份:2017
- Photo by: Huang Kuo-Heng
- This project was made possible by generous support from the Chinese American Arts Council(456 gallery), InCube Arts, and Taipei Cultural Center, New York.