There is no longer such a place as home I 桃樂絲紅鞋的秘密
This project is part of “Incurable Nostalgia” solo exhibition created during the artist residency at the 18th Street Art Center 此計畫是於18街藝術中心駐村期間完成,並為「不癒之境」個展的一部分
“…the real secret of the ruby slippers is not that ‘there’s no place like home’ but rather that there is no longer such a place as home: except, of course, for the home we make, or the homes that are made for us, in Oz, which is anywhere, and everywhere, except the place from which we began.” Salman Rushdie, The Wizard of Oz
Taking the inspiration from Salman Rushdie’s quote, the artist utilized 16mm film to create an installation which loops the footage of her wearing the ruby slippers tapping at various homes she encountered during her residency period as well as travels to various surrounding environments, during that time. The 16mm film loop installation also suggests the continued act of searching for the physical and metaphorical meaning of home and longing for the familiar normality to return under the pandemic era.
More about 「Incurable Nostalgia」
此作品以電影《綠野仙蹤》(The Wizard of OZ,1939)為主要的創作靈感來源,此部電影在美國文化中是象徵著「返鄉的渴求」、以及彰顯「家庭價值」的經典,而其中桃樂絲穿著紅寶石鞋,敲鞋跟三下,並重覆念著「There’s no place like home」的咒語,終而返家的場景,更是電影中的高潮。然而影評家Salman Rushdie卻指出,桃樂絲在接下來的系列故事裡,其實並沒有留在她的家鄉堪薩斯(Kansas),而是穿著紅寶石鞋四處旅行,最後在竟然在奧斯(OZ)定居。說明了藏在桃樂絲的紅鞋裡真正的秘密,並不是沒有任何地方能替代家,而是「任何地方都可能成為家」,那個我們為自己所建造的家,而不再是我們出生成長的那個地方。
Salman Rushdie對於紅鞋的詮釋,很接近我目前重新尋找「家」概念的過程,因此我利用16毫米彩色膠卷,重現電影裡的經典畫面,穿著紅寶石鞋,在不同形式的「家」前敲鞋跟,並以循環片播放的方式呈現,當觀者走到裝置旁,便會自動開啟循環片的投影,也代表著還在不斷尋找「家」定義的過程。
- Title: There is no longer such a place as home
- Medium: 16mm film loop, 16mm analog projector. Motion Sensor, Plexiglass
- Dimensions: Dimensions Variable
- Year: 2020
- 作品名稱:桃樂絲紅鞋的秘密
- 材質: 16mm 膠卷循環片、16毫米投影機、動態感應器、壓克力板
- 尺寸:尺寸依場地而定
- 年份:2020
Special Thanks To
- Dan Kwang, Marty Liboff, Vickie Zapata, the Venaissance group, Erica Sheu and Judy Garland.
- This project is part of the “Incurable Nostalgia” solo exhibition generously supported by Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, and 18th Street Art Center. 「不癒之境」感謝文化部、洛杉磯台灣書院、以及18街藝術中心支持與贊助