VogelhausI 鳥屋
This project was created in Lichtenberg Studios Residency, Berlin, 2014
“Vogelhuas” is a public performance video project inspired by the unique history of the Lichtenberg region in Berlin, Germany where the Stasi (The Ministry for State Security) headquarters was located. The artist transfers a birdhouse, one of the most common spy devices used by the Stasi to monitor the local population, to a wearable sculpture with a concealed camera to document what she had observed. She performs in various locations to “spy” on the public in public spaces questioning the blurred boundary between privacy and political power in our past and current society.
「鳥屋」是藝術家於2014年,於柏林利希滕貝格工作室(Lichtenberg Studio)駐村時所創作的表演錄像作品。作品靈感來自東德國家安全總部,所改建而成的博物館(Stasi Museum),館內所展示過去東德政府蒐集情報、監聽監視的各種器材。其中一項最普遍、也最容易被人民所忽視的,就是掛在每家後院看似無害的鳥屋。藝術家仿製了博物館內的鳥屋造型,並安裝行動攝影機,在各個公共場所「公開監視」來往的群眾。目的在透過此限地表演的方式,反映此地區的獨特歷史,並與當代的公私領域界線模糊化的議題做連結。
- Medium: Single Channel Video
- Length: 4:12 min
- Year: 2014
- 作品名稱: 鳥屋
- 材質:單頻錄像
- 尺寸:4分12秒
- 年份:2014